what are the benefits of meal-prepping

Life is super busy and many of us feel as though we are living day-by-day. Despite our best intentions to spontaneously choose healthy options during the day, our hedonic drive to food can be so overpowering that we choose a fast and unhealthy food option, which we regret as soon as we are done indulging. While it does take some time to plan what we will be eating, the truth is, we do have that time to carve out. In fact, the cumulative amount of time it takes to stand in line to order a meal, look through a menu at the options, sit through the drive-through, is more than the time required to plan out meals for the week. These meals can be pre-made salads at your local grocer, fresh veggies and fruits that you picked up from your farmer’s market, or your favorite chili that you batch-cooked on the weekend. And pack a reasonable amount of food where it is enough to satisfy your hunger throughout the day. Otherwise, if your packing is too restrictive, well then, the hunger wells up and leads to counterproductive excessive food consumption. Planning ahead can therefore benefit in so many ways.


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